Maltese/ cockapoo mix puppies for adoption in Fenton, New York
Price: $800
Type: Pets,
For Sale
There are one left he is 75% maltese and 25% cockapoo. he will be 8 weeks and ready to go on December 21st they come with first shots and de worming as well as grooming. all white and a little tubby loves to play. he is hypo allergenic and are great for families with allergies, also he is non shedding. We only except cash only we will except half down to hold them no refund., and the rest of the money when you come to pick him up or you can pay full price or we can make arrangements. These puppies would make a great Christmas present. This will be my dogs last and only litter. The puppies are crate trained starting by birth and will have started there paper training.
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